A short verse and comment for each day of the month 172 B JANUARY 2014 A BAM Publication Scroll down and view four weekly pages or print on A4 sheets Written by Maurice Paine and Andy Paine and published as a booklet THE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUST P O … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month 171 A OCTOBER 2013 A BAM Publication Scroll down and view four weekly pagesor print on A4 sheets Written by Maurice Paine and Andy Paine and published as a bookletTHE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUSTP O Box 7778 Solihull … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month 170 B SEPTEMBER 2013 A BAM Publication Scroll down and view four weekly pagesor print on A4 sheetsWritten by Maurice Paine and Andy Paine and published as a bookletTHE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUSTP O Box 7778 Solihull B92 … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month 170 A AUGUST 2013 A BAM Publication Scroll down and view four weekly pages or print on A4 sheets Written by Maurice Paine and Andy Paine and published as a booklet THE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUST P O … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month168 BMAY 2013 Special EditionSelected readings chosen from booklets 101 to 112A BAM PublicationScroll down and view four weekly pagesor print on A4 sheets Written by Maurice Paine and Andy Paine and published as a booklet THE BY ALL MEANS … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month 168A APRIL 2013 Special Edition Selected readings chosen from booklets 101 to 112 A BAM Publication Scroll down and view four weekly pages or print on A4 sheets Written by Maurice Paine and Andy Paine and published as … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month 167B MARCH 2013 A BAM Publication Scroll down and view four weekly pages or print on A4 sheets Written by Maurice Paine and Andy Paine and published as a booklet THE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUST P O Box … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month 167A FEBRUARY 2013 A BAM Publication Scroll down and view four weekly pages or print on A4 sheets Written by Maurice Paine and Andy Paine and published as a booklet THE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUST P O Box … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month 165A A BAM Publication Scroll down and view four weekly pages or print on A4 sheets Written by Maurice Paine and Andy Paine and published as a booklet THE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUST P O Box 7778 Solihull … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month164 BA BAM PublicationScroll down and view four weekly pagesor print on A4 sheetsWritten by Maurice Paine and Andy Paineand published as a bookletTHE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUSTP O Box 7778 Solihull B92 7AG (UK)Info @bam-gospeltrust.orgBAM 164 Month 2 … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month164AA BAM PublicationScroll down and view four weekly pagesor print on A4 sheetsWritten by Maurice Paine and Andy Paineand published as a bookletTHE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUSTP O Box 7778 Solihull B92 7AG (UK)Info @bam-gospeltrust.orgBAM 164 Month 1 … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month163BA BAM Publication Written by Maurice Paine and Andy Paineand published as a bookletTHE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUSTP O Box 7778 Solihull B92 7AG (UK)Info @bam-gospeltrust.org BAM 163 Month 2 WEEK ONE Day One “while it was still … Περισσότερα
A short verse and comment for each day of the month163AA BAM PublicationScroll down and view four weekly pagesor print on A4 sheetsWritten by Maurice Paine and Andy Paineand published as a bookletTHE BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUSTP O Box 7778 Solihull B92 7AG (UK)Info @bam-gospeltrust.orgBAM 163 Month 1 WEEK … Περισσότερα
“Πλουτείν εν έργοις καλοίς” (Α’ Τιμοθ. 6/18) Ο απόστολος μας προτρέπει να κάνουμε καλά έργα, αγαθοεργίες. Πολλές φορές οι φτωχοί ζηλεύουν εκείνους που είναι πλούσιοι στα αγαθά του κόσμου αυτού, αν και οι πιστοί χριστιανοί που συμβαίνει να είναι πλούσιοι είναι γενναιόδωροι στο να βοηθούν αυτούς που έχουν ανάγκη. Ο … Περισσότερα
Short comments (devotionals) on Bible verses for two months by Maurice Paine & Andrew Paine … Περισσότερα
“Bringing A Message” Bible teaching from the Word of God brought to you by Maurice Paine Christ centred and Christ exalting A 30 minute weekly gospel programme reaching around the world with music by Peter Jackson and singers … Περισσότερα
Ο Maurice Paine, συγγραφέας βιβλίων και σύντομων σχολίων σε εδάφια της Αγίας Γραφής στα αγγλικά Break & Meditate. Ο Μαυρίκιος Πέην είναι συνταξιούχος φαρμακοποιός και Γραμματέας της Χριστιανικής οργάνωσης “BY ALL MEANS GOSPEL TRUST”. Ο τίτλος είναι παρμένος από την Επιστολή Α΄Κορινθίους 9:22: “Στους πάντες έγινα τα πάντα μόνο και … Περισσότερα
Γράφει ο Μαυρίκιος Πέην ΣΥΝΤΟΜΑ ΣΧΟΛΙΑ ΣΕ ΕΔΑΦΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΒΙΒΛΟΥ Υπάρχει ιστοσελίδα τους στα αγγλικά http://www.bam-gospeltrust.org … Περισσότερα