“How beautiful upon the mountains are
the feet of him that bringeth good tidings.”
(Isaiah 52:7)
Don’t try to mend
the hole in your shoe
with fine threads and needles
when staring helplessly at you
with the desperation
of a thousand deaths.
Don’t give it
to the Good Will either
lest someone else’s will
be tempted to pull out
of man’s age-old toolshed
even better inventions
for radical repair.
Just give it up
and walk barefoot
for a time or two
-mind fixed to the Order Above-
till the wind blows to your direction
sweet intimations of the secret
-best kept yet dying to come out-
where to get new shoes
for your gospel running feet,
fit for a joint heir to the King of kings.
Youlika K. Masry
(July 9, 2009)